Created in 1989 by Social Responsibility International (SAI), which is a member of the Council for Economic Priorities, which is considered a standard and is recognized worldwide. It can be applied to any company, regardless of its size and where it is geographically located. This program not only establishes proposals related to the job position, but also incorporates agreements approved in the international framework.
Which include important conventions such as the International Labor Organization, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Universal Declaration Whatsapp Mobile Number List of Human Rights. Achieve SA8000 certification Companies can apply for certification through an agency approved by SAI. Subsequently, this agency will be in charge of carrying out the initial inspection to proceed with the certification if it meets the requested requirements.
The company will be supervised, periodically, to ensure that it continues to comply with the requirements included in the aforementioned program. Regarding the costs, it should be noted that it is the producing company that pays the amount of said certification and they are included in an audit. It also includes any corrective measures that you want to apply.