Cross-border e-commerce sellers, especially amazon sellers, mostly ignore google's seo traffic. Since the amazon website itself has considerable weight, amazon's product listings are usually relatively easy to occupy a dominant position in the google search result pages. Having said so much, for one purpose, we need to take google as a key research object, try to learn and master seo skills, and get a steady stream of free traffic from google. But I have to say that this is not an easy task.
Google has more than 200 factors that affect rankings. Even experienced google seo experts cannot optimize all indicators. However, countless successful seo cases tell us that seo optimization for google is still a feasible especially after the Vietnam phone number list website has accumulated a certain amount of weight, the free natural traffic from google will even become the largest source of traffic to your website. " read this article to become a google seo expert! Step-by-step interpretation of google search ranking optimization complete guide " build a business website to start a cross-border online business, you need a website. In fact, building a business website for your business or product is a top priority.
If you offer products for sale, then, you can set up an e-commerce website to sell products online. If you provide course training, then you can set up an online course website to provide course learning services. If you want to help customers decide how to choose a product or service, then you can set up a review and comparison website and use comparative data to help customers make purchasing decisions. If you can provide all kinds of professional consulting services, whether it is it or accounting, then you can build a consultant website to provide consultant support services. Of course, you can also build any marketing website.
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